Keep students at home if they are not feeling well.

Check the calendar for more dates and further information.




Welcome to Allenby Gardens Preschool. Our preschool is a school-based preschool under the governance of Allenby Gardens Primary School.

We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of this land that we live, work and learn on. We recognise that this land always was and always will be Aboriginal land and we pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.

Our core values are the fundamental guiding principles of how children, staff and

community will strive to foster a sense of joy, excitement, and curiosity for learning.

Responsibility, Excellence, Honesty and Confidence

We hope that by providing you with the following information, you and your child’s transition into preschool will be a thoroughly rewarding experience.

Session Times

Fifteen hours per week of preschool is available to children in the year prior to starting school. At Allenby Gardens Preschool we distribute these hours across a fortnight with children attending 30 hours per fortnight.

Children who turn 4 on or before 30th April 2023 are eligible to commence preschool at the beginning of the school year (January 2023). Children who turn 4 between 1st May and 31st October are eligible to commence preschool mid-year (term 3).

Early Entry is available under specific circumstances. Children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background can access preschool from the age of 3 years for 12 hours each week.

Requests for early entry will be assessed on a case-by case basis by the Assistant Principal: Early Years and the Principal. Early entry to preschool may be offered to children:

  • With additional needs or a disability
  • With significant extenuating family or individual circumstances
  • With minimal English
  • Who are at significant risk due to family circumstances.

Children accessing early entry will attend 6 hours per week and enrolment is dependent on the availability of positions within the capacity of the preschool. If you believe your child may qualify for extra time at preschool, please feel free to discuss this with the Assistant Principal – Early Years.

In 2023 Session times will be at follows:

Group 1: Monday and Tuesday 8:30-3:00 and alternate Wednesdays 8:30-12:30

Group 2: Thursday and Friday 8:30-3:00 and alternate Wednesdays 8:30-12:30

Preschool Fees

Allenby Gardens Preschool operates within the management of Allenby Gardens Primary School and therefore fees are determined by the School Governing Council. Fees are charged for all children attending Allenby Gardens Preschool to assist with the purchase of materials and service.

Preschool fees are $180 per term or $ 720 per year.

The Financial Services Manager, Belinda Twynstra is available to discuss individual requirements in person, by email: or by phone on 8346 1541.

Fees can be paid via:

  • Cash, credit card, EFTPOS (no withdrawal facility), cheque
  • Credit card over the telephone
  • Instalments on application
  • Qkr! app – online payment
  • Centrepay – a direct bill paying service offered to customers receiving amounts from Centrelink.

Invoices will be sent home in early in the school year. Allenby Gardens Preschool offers a confidential discussion regarding instalment plans and will support families the best way we can to ensure a plan is created to suit. Contact the Early Years Leader, Rita Romano on 8346 1541 to make a time.


Here are some ways we can share information together:

  • Seesaw– this a free app that provides a way to communicate privately with messages, photos, and information about your child. Information about this app will be provided at the beginning of their first term
  • Email –
  • Talking with us.


Allenby Gardens Preschool operates a priority of access procedure in order to be equitable to families. Offers of enrolment are made in accordance with the Department for Education guidelines.

Priority 1

  • Children who live within the designated catchment zone of Allenby Gardens Primary School

Priority 2

  • Children with a sibling attending Allenby Gardens Primary School
  • Children with a connection to the school community or community groups.

Families who are offered a place in the preschool are provided with a registration package which will contain an official enrolment form. This must be completed prior to your child beginning Preschool.

Other children will be offered positions if and when there are vacancies. Families on the waiting list may be contacted at any stage from September. Enrolment at the preschool also places your child on a priority list for starting school at Allenby Gardens Primary school.

It has been SA Government policy since August 2020 that children will not be able to enrol in or attend early childhood services unless all immunisation requirements are met. This is known as the ‘No jab, no play’ policy. On enrolment you will be asked to provide evidence of your child’s Medicare immunisation record. A child cannot attend or continue to attend an early childhood service if all immunisation requirements are not met. This means updated immunisation records must be provided during their preschool year to ensure your child can continue to attend preschool.

Children’s Learning

The program at Allenby Gardens Preschool is based on the curriculum framework; Belonging, Being and Becoming – The Early Years Learning framework.

The Early Years Learning framework focuses on your child’s learning and has five learning outcomes that educators will assist your child to develop.

The five learning outcomes are:

  1. Children have a strong sense of identity
  2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world
  3. Children have a strong sense of well-being
  4. Children are confident and involved learners
  5. Children are effective communicators.

An overview of our program is displayed on our ‘Big Ideas Wall’. Parents are encouraged to engage with the display and discuss their ideas with staff.

Each child will have their individual learning documented in many ways. Your child will be given a portfolio which will contain formal observations, samples of their writing, artwork, interviews, comments about their own learning, and more from their time spent with us. Please feel free to ask your child to share their learning portfolio with you.

What to do when you arrive at preschool

When arriving at preschool:

  • Sign your child in on the roll
  • Encourage your child to unpack their bag and put their lunch box and drink bottle away
  • Greet an educator and help your child put their name tag in the appropriate place on the wall
  • Pass on any relevant information to educators
  • Help your child to choose a learning experience to start the day.

Drop off and pick up

Please sign your child in and out at the beginning and end of each session.

Ensure you have given the people who collect your child/ren authority to do so. Please inform us when someone different will be collecting your child. They will be required to produce photo identification in line with the Department for Education policy. Our doors open at 8:30 and sessions finish at 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and 12:30 on Wednesday. If your child requires care outside of these times, please make your own personal arrangements.

Health and Medical Information

If your child is unwell prior to attending, we ask that they are kept at home. Children with contagious or infectious diseases including head lice, diarrhoea, vomiting, and conjunctivitis or raised temperature cannot attend preschool.

Children with Covid-19 like symptoms will need to be kept home or may be sent home. If your child develops a need for medical attention during a session, staff will contact you firstly. If they cannot contact you, they will then contact your emergency contacts. In the case of head or facial injuries we will always contact you (even if considered mild). In the rare chance of an emergency an ambulance will be called, and contacts informed.

Please ensure that your enrolment form has information regarding your child’s allergies, chronic complaints, asthma and any regular medications required. Your child will require a health care/asthma plan upon enrolment if they have medical conditions. If your child requires medication during session times an action plan and/or administering medication form needs to be completed by a doctor including your child’s name on the medication, expiry date, correct dosage and when to administer it to your child.

We are unable to administer over the counter medication such as Panadol or Nurofen.

Attendance at preschool

Current research suggests that attending preschool on a regular basis is critically important for children to become successful life-long learners.

Attending preschool helps children make friends, learn, have fun, and prepare them for good attendance patterns in school. If your child will be absent, please contact the preschool either via phone or Seesaw messaging.


Children like to bring a small ‘school bag’. This is handy for spare clothes and is good practice for school. Preschool is a messy and busy place. Please send your child in clothes that are comfortable, easy to manage and easy to wash. Children need to be able to move and climb freely and engage happily in activities using paint, glue and mud. Please send a spare set of clothes for those messy days.

In winter, children are invited to bring gumboots and a raincoat to continue outdoor play. We also have some spares for children to access. Please also ensure that children wear sun safe clothing. T shirts are acceptable, singlet tops are not appropriate.

Hat and Sunscreen Information

In accordance with our policy regarding wearing sun-safe hats, children are to wear their hats all year round. Your child will be given a preschool hat on their first day of preschool. Please ensure your child brings their preschool hat every time they attend.

During terms 1 and 4 we ask that parents apply sunscreen to their child before the preschool session. Children all day will be supported to reapplied sunscreen after lunch, before they go outside. If a child has sensitive skin, please inform the staff, and provide appropriate sunscreen for your child.

Healthy Eating and Nutrition Policy

Children’s early years are an essential time to help them establish healthy eating habits. A positive attitude toward healthy food in the early years will set the pattern for their future eating behaviours and provide them with long term health benefits.

At preschool we promote healthy, safe eating habits in line with our Food and Nutrition Policy. We are required by national regulations to implement a healthy eating policy and promote healthy eating at our preschool. We ask that families pack a balanced, nutritious lunchbox that contains fresh fruit or vegetable snacks, or snacks based on a core food group like a yoghurt, cheese and crackers or plain popcorn and a main lunch item such as a sandwich, wrap or roll. Chocolate, cake, lollies, chips etc. are not acceptable foods. The promotion of healthy eating is a regulatory requirement under the National Quality Standard.

Water is the only acceptable drink at Allenby Gardens Preschool, and we ask that children bring a refillable water bottle. Nuts and nut products such as; peanut butter, Nutella, nut bars are not permitted.

Emergency Plans

The preschool has an emergency evacuation and invacuation (lock down) procedure. These procedures are displayed around the preschool and are practiced with the children each term along with the Primary School.

Preschool Parent Committee

The preschool has a Preschool Parent Committee that is a sub-committee of the Allenby Gardens Primary School Governing Council. The committee usually meets six times a year at a time that is convenient for members. Meetings usually last an hour. Please speak to the Assistant Principal – Early Years, if you are interested in learning more about this group.

The Governing Council is a very important part of the preschool. Meetings are held twice a term. The Governing Council consists of parents elected by parents and are involved in decision making that affects the children. Our Governing Council is a combination of preschool and school representation.

Parent participation/volunteers

Allenby Gardens Primary and Preschool encourages all parents to be actively involved in their child’s education.

Opportunities for parent volunteers will be advised early 2023.

Preschool Photos

Preschool photos are organised during Term 3. These are done separately from the primary school. Information will give to families closer to the date.

Services offered at Allenby Gardens Preschool

At Allenby Gardens Preschool, as with all Department for Education sites, we can access Department support services including speech pathologists, psychologists, and special educators. If you have any concerns about your child, please speak with an educator for possible referral to these services.

We look forward to welcoming your family into our school community.

Preschool Information

Address 33 Barham St Allenby Gardens SA 5009
Phone   08 8346 1541